Friday, 20 September 2013

Live A Responsible Life


Most of us think that living a responsible life begins with you and ends with you, and of course we all know that no one can live your life for you. People who take full responsibility for their lives experiences happiness all the time. They control every situation they come across, and they always make right decisions and choices because they understand that they are responsible for their choices.

The most important aspect is to acknowledge that your life is your responsibility; actually you are in charge of everything.  Sometimes you can’t control some situations but you can at least determine how you will react to the event. You can change a challenge to a disaster or you can use it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and cherish your faith or to hold your loved ones close.

How can you take complete responsibility for yourself?

*      Respect, discipline and love yourself.

Firstly you can’t respect others if you can’t respect yourself. Nowadays crime and abuse are the most important things we as South Africans trying to resolve, but it’s hard even to start if people can’t respect themselves. Love and discipline yourself whether you are alone, with friends, with family, with schoolmates, with colleagues and even with anyone you meet. But after all they say “Charity begins at home”.

*      Always search for happiness in everything you face.

Sometimes we come across difficult situations and painful moments, where we even loosing hope and faith. But being responsible forces you to find happiness and brings smile on your face even when things are not okay at all.

*      Accept the blame.

Observe yourself talking to someone else, listen to yourself in your conversation…do you hear yourself blaming others for the things that didn’t go exactly as you wished? Do you find yourself pointing fingers to someone else? Do you hear yourself taking a responsibility or placing blame? These are the questions you need to ask yourself. No one is perfect, no one without faults and our actions are our own not for others.


How can you take responsibility for others?
To be cont...